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Lead-time is 4-6 weeks.
Valcom's One-Way Wall Speaker has a built in amplifier and volume control. These speakers are suitable for areas where you need intelligible voice and background music. The One-Way Wall Speaker is available in a variety of colors that helps them to blend in well with your environment.
Valcom V-1016-W One-Way Wall Speaker (White)
- Easy Install
- Built-in volume control
- *Corridor Speakers Produce Bi-Directional Sound for Long Hallways
- Utilizes standard CAT-3, 5, or 6 Cable
- Excellent voice and music reproduction
- Externally accessible volume control
- Wide sound dispersion
- Electrically, accoustically matched parts
- Attractive white or black finish
Do you need a Cable Run? Power Supply? CommGear sells them. Install and service at an additional charge.
Part # | V-1016-W |
Lead-time is 4-6 weeks.
Valcom's One-Way Wall Speaker has a built in amplifier and volume control. These speakers are suitable for areas where you need intelligible voice and background music. The One-Way Wall Speaker is available in a variety of colors that helps them to blend in well with your environment.
Valcom V-1016-W One-Way Wall Speaker (White)
- Easy Install
- Built-in volume control
- *Corridor Speakers Produce Bi-Directional Sound for Long Hallways
- Utilizes standard CAT-3, 5, or 6 Cable
- Excellent voice and music reproduction
- Externally accessible volume control
- Wide sound dispersion
- Electrically, accoustically matched parts
- Attractive white or black finish
Do you need a Cable Run? Power Supply? CommGear sells them. Install and service at an additional charge.